Former New England Football Player Patrick Pass and his wife Monique Discuss LASIK

Former New England Pro Football Player Patrick Pass had such a great experience with LASIK from Koch Eye Associates he convinced his wife Monique to have the same procedure. Here what they had to say now that they are free of contacts and glasses.

Patrick Pass: All right. Hi. My name is Patrick Pass. I just wanted to give you guys a little bit about my testimony about my LASIK surgery about a month ago. I felt like it's the best decision that I've made as far as me not being able to buy contacts or glasses anymore and especially for my wife, who's always using my contacts this is the best decision to save me a lot of money. But to be able to drive at night, in the daytime without glasses or contacts, the best feeling in the world, and I'm glad that I got it done. So my wife got hers done yesterday. I want to know how she's feeling about the situation.

Monique: I'm loving it. It was weird for me to wake up in the morning, and I could see stuff. Now, I can crack these.

Interviewer: Yes.

Monique: Coming here was probably the best experience ever. Everyone was so nice. They walked me through it. I had a little bit of a breakdown because I was scared, but they shut everything down. They walked me through it, and they were very calm and accommodating. And I suggest everybody to come here.

Interviewer: Awesome.

Monique: I know all my friends are going to come. I did it. You can do it.

Interviewer: There you go. Thank you.